Meet the skies

To gild cares sable shroud
Their spirit through the gloom appears
As suns behind a cloud
Since thou didst meet my infant eyes
As through the fields I flew
Whose distance where they meet the skies
Was all the world I knew

Daily #JohnClare posts
#poetry #environment

Image by my grandson #WilburSullivan

Beautiful mortals

Beautiful mortals of the glowing earth
And children of the season crowd together
In showers and sunny weather
Ye beautiful spring hours
Sunshine and all together
I love wild flowers

Daily #JohnClare posts
#poetry #environment

A venerable tree

I never pass a venerable tree
Pining away to nothingness & dust
Ruins vain shades of power I never see
Once dedicated to times chea
ting trust
But warm reflection wakes her saddest thought
& views lifes vanity in cheerless light
& sees earths bubbles youth so eager sought
Burst into emptiness of lost delight

Daily #JohnClare posts
#poetry #environment

Drooping daffodil

What time the dews unsullied drops
In burnishd gold distil
On crocus flowers unclosing tops
& drooping daffodil
To see thee come all hearts rejoice
& warm with feelings strong
With thee all Nature finds a voice
& hums a waking song

Daily #JohnClare posts
#poetry #environment

Lifes lingering debt

Be where I may when death brings in his bill 
Demanding payment for lifes lingering debt 
Or in my native village nestling still 
Or tracing scenes Ive never known as yet 
O let one wish go where I will be mine 
To turn me back & wander home to dye 
Mong nearest friends my latest breath resign 
& in my church yard wi' my kindred lye

Daily #JohnClare posts
#poetry #environment

By this bridge

For by this bridge my Mary sat 
& praised the screaming plover 
As first to hail the day—when I 
Confessed myself her lover 
& at that moment stooping down 
I pluckt a daisy blossom 
Which smilingly she called her own 
May garland for her bosom 

Daily #JohnClare posts
#poetry #environment

Image by my friend #RachelBurch

The blackbird

The blackbird is a bonny bird
I love his mourning suit
& song in the spring mornings heard
As mellow as the flute
How sweet his song in April showers
Pipes from his golden bill
As yellow as the kingcup flowers
The sweetest ditty still
Daily #JohnClare posts
#poetry #environment

Image by my friend #CarryAkroyd